Campus and Community

CGD Awards for Student Groups

FST Novabase Project, Técnico Solar Boat, AeroTéc and NEMat were the award-winning groups of this edition.

The CGD (Caixa Geral de Depósitos) Awards ceremony for Student Groups took place this Wednesday, within CA2ECTécnico – Extracurricular Activities Competition for Student Groups at Instituto Superior Técnico, 2016/17 edition.

According to professor Arlindo Oliveira, president of Técnico, “This is an interesting initiative, which aims to allocate part of the support from Caixa Geral de Depósitos to students’ activities, which are very important”.

Dr. Adélia Rodrigues, from CGD, also attended the ceremony and took the opportunity to say that CGD “is very proud” to join Técnico and its students. “In the future, you will be the professors and professionals, which is very important for our country.”

João Pires Ribeiro, student vice-president of Pedagogic Council, noted that this award is a “recognition of the students’ work”.

Projects distinguished in this CGD Awards edition:

FST Novabase Project, 2000 euros;
• Técnico Solar Boat Project (TSB), 2000 euros;
• Air Cargo Challenge 2016 (AeroTéc), 2000 euros;
• Explora Materiais (NEMat), 2000 euros.