Campus and Community

Engineering has grown in popularity, “particularly at Técnico”

The new students who arrive at Técnico don’t know the world without internet and like to be always online. They want immediate results, they are dynamic, demanding and self-taught, they have environmental concerns and they are tech enthusiasts. All these traits make them feel “genuinely” attracted to the world of engineering. Adding to that, they know that engineering courses have high employability rates and a wide range of career opportunities. Engineering has grown in popularity, “particularly at Técnico”

“I always knew that I wanted to do something related to Biology and Natural Sciences. Over time, and after some research, I realized that the Biological Engineering course was very interesting and focused on the areas that interested me”, says Afonso Cunha who entered his first choice course. “Técnico always seemed to me an inviting space, where there was intellectual stimulation”, he says.

Constança Fernandes entered her 4th choice course – Chemical Engineering – but all the other options were Técnico engineering courses. “I had already decided that I wanted to study at Técnico for quite a few years”, she shares. “I think that engineering , in general, has grown in popularity, especially at Técnico, because the employability rates are higher and it ends up being one of the most promising jobs, due to the technological advancements and the training we have”, says the new student.

Duarte Silva and Ricardo Martins also entered Chemical Engineering and, although they do not know each other, they exchange some ideas while they wait for their mentor. “I am very interested in chemistry, especially industrial chemistry, and I thought that this course suited me”, says Duarte Silva. “This is one of the best Universities in the country, if not the best, and I want the best for me,” he adds,

“Engineering courses are the best courses for the future. They offer us a wide range of career opportunities”, says Ricardo Martins. ” Industry and technology are becoming increasingly important and engineering allows us to work on this culture for change”, adds Duarte Silva.

The new students of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biological Engineering and Chemical Engineering visited Alameda campus this Thursday.