Campus and Community

Enrolment in Curricular Units and Timetables 2023/24

Students already registered at Técnico in the previous academic year, or who will register in 1st or 2nd cycle courses (who are not admitted through the National Call):

Enrolment in the subjects of the 2023/24 academic year can be done from September 1, at 5 p.m., to September 5, in the Fénix system.

Before choosing the subjects (curricular units) to take in both semesters, each student must select the tuition fee regime:
• full-time (full fee with enrolment up to 72 ECTS/year);
• part-time (tuition fee based on the number of ECTS/year).

The payment references will be generated two weeks after this step, in the Fénix system.

The class/shift booking will take place after the registration in the subjects is completed, in order to create a timetable, also in the Fénix system, from 6 to 10 September.

Students admitted through the National Call:

Students admitted to Técnico for the 1st time, through the National Call – enrolment in the curricular units (1st and 2nd semester) and the class/shift booking for the 1st semester are automatic. In the 2nd semester students will have to make the class/shift booking.

During the 1st year, it is not possible to choose a partial-time tuition fee regime.

Students can check their timetable here.

Students doing international mobility programmes (incoming):

It is not necessary to enrol in curricular units, however students must make the class/shift booking.

Information about enrolment Information about Tuition Fees