To deepen the knowledge on Civil Engineering museum collection, show it to the community and highlight the importance of technical drawing in school’s origin are the main goals of the exhibition “Desenho Técnico no Técnico”, which is inaugurated today, June 19.
“On the one hand, we want to do new things. On the other hand, we want to preserve our history and promote our heritage,” stressed the president of Técnico, professor Arlindo Oliveira. The Vice-president of Técnico for Facilities and Equipment, professor José Gomes Ferreira, highlighted “the richness of these spaces” and the work carried out to get the most out of them: “Museums should not be dust, they should be living organisms and all community should have access to them”.
According to professor Ana Tomé, deputy director of Técnico museums “this is a cross-cutting work that involves different departments, students, professors and staff. We are very pleased with the final result”. The exhibition curator, architect Duarte Nunes, took the opportunity to stress that “this exhibition is based on the link between the past and the present through technical drawing”.
The exhibition consists of several technical drawing, some of which with more than 100 years, project sketches, drawing instruments, models from the past and a time line that helps the public to make a journey through time. A set of lectures and different activities will also take place during this exhibition.