IST Press published the book “Dimensionamento de Estruturas de Edifícios e Estruturas Especiais”, by Pedro Martins Mendes and José J. Oliveira Pedro.
The book includes 2 volumes and focuses on “Dimensioning Structures” and “Special Structures” – units taught in the integrated MSc in Civil Engineering at IST, which have direct application in the professional activity of structure design and work as a synthesis of the basic subjects taught in previous course units (namely in Structural Mechanics, Material Strength, Structural Analysis, Metal Structures and Concrete Structures).
The book is intended for students of Civil Engineering MSc course and Structural Engineering postgraduate degree. Although this book covers only part of structural design, the authors expect that it will be useful not only for students’ training but also, in more specific subjects, for the professional practice of civil engineering.
The book can be purchased online (IST Press online store – and, soon, at Almedina, Bertrand, Fnac and Wook.