Campus and Community

Loures City Hall and Técnico celebrate protocol that will give new life to Quinta dos Remédios

The Loures Municipality and Instituto Superior Técnico celebrated a protocol that foresees the preparation of a Safeguard Detailed Plan that will give new life to Quinta dos Remédios.

The Loures City Hall and Instituto Superior Técnico celebrated this Friday, October 7, a protocol that will improve the quality of the urban space and give new life to Quinta dos Remédios.

The Loures City Hall will develop, in partnership with Técnico, the transformation of Quinta dos Remédios, by reinforcing the complementary infrastructures of Técnico – Tecnológico e Nuclear campus (CTN campus), and opening the green and sports park to the entire Técnico community and population of the Loures municipality.

The use of the House of the Dukes of Mendia as a municipal technological centre is another novelty brought by this protocol along with the opening of the park of Quinta dos Remédios to the Loures municipality.

“This protocol is crucial for the future development of CTN campus. With the signing of this protocol, we will immediately follow up on the proposal of Loures Municipality, which will requalify this entire area, and will allow to bring more science, more technology, more technological support to local companies, more qualified employment and more value to the Loures municipality. The partnership between Técnico and the Loures municipality, which is strengthened with this protocol, is a partnership in which there are only winners and, therefore, Técnico is strongly committed to it”, said the President of Técnico, professor Rogério Colaço.