This Wednesday, there was another award of four scholarships and six renewals under the Scholarship Program of Engineer Augusto Ramalho-Rosa Fund. The award ceremony took place at the Civil Museum and was attended by students selected for the grant and fund representatives, for whom – they assure – “it is a privilege to provide a flexible way of help”, articulated with the Academic Development Center (NDA).
The objective of this fund is to implement a scholarship program for students of merit of Técnico, with economic difficulties, that prevents them from continuing their studies. The students of Técnico to whom these scholarships are awarded are also encouraged to do 30 hours of volunteering per week, as a way of contributing to the community and society, in general.
Students Cíntia Gomes, Edgar Sousa, Lucas Nabais, Margarida Silva, Renato Neves, Rúben Batista, Tomás Moucho, Tomás Oliveira, Vítor Valverde and Xavier Ferreira received the scholarship from Scholarship Program of Engineer Augusto Ramalho-Rosa Fund.
The event was also attended by Professor Alexandre Francisco, Vice President for Academic Affairs of Técnico, for whom it is important the existence of scholarships by patrons for students, “first because some of them have financial needs, which can’t cover the fees or their expenses of reallocation to the city of Lisbon, or by recognizing their own academic merit,” he said.
Students from several years had the opportunity to say thank you to the fund representatives, either for their help in travel and accommodation expenses and for the fact that it’s a great help to the larger families where there’s more than one student taking a degree. Helping in the focus or allowing the possibility of having an experience similar to other colleagues and being able to dedicate themselves with more focus to their courses, were other advantages pointed out by the students.
But, more than that, it is a help that allows “helping in what is, in fact, fundamental to the students. Whether it’s accommodation, transportation, computers, whatever’s needed. The base value is monthly and then managed according to the student’s needs.”, reveals Dr. Rita Schreck, one of the family’s of Engineer Ramalho-Rosa representatives, who was visibly emotional.
Another member of the family, João Manso, followed the footsteps of engineer Ramalho-Rosa and also graduated as a civil engineer. “I was very curious to know the difference between Técnico that existed before and the Técnico I met, and that I still know now”, he said. Mariana Schreck, the granddaughter of Engineer Augusto Ramalho-Rosa, said that it was a privilege to help “mainly students on behalf of her grandfather.”
Professor João Abreu, representing the executive committee of the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources (DECivil) made a point of thanking the patrons and wished academic success to the students. Professor José Neves, Pedagogical Coordinator of the Degree in Civil Engineering (LEC) and the Master’s degree in Civil Engineering (MEC) mentioned that “it’s worth fighting for a dream” and asked the students to make a commitment and complete their courses successfully.
For more information on scholarships, conditions, and eligibility, students can refer to the NDA and know everything about how to aplly for scholarships.