Campus and Community

“Shaping the Future” welcomed new professors and researchers

The programme is jointly organised by the Scientific Council (CC) and the Pedagogical Council (CP), in partnership with the Academic Development Unit (NDA), and aims to promote the integration and adaptation of new professors and researchers, in alignment with Técnico values and culture.

This year’s edition of the “Shaping the Future” programme took place from 14th to 16th September 2022, at the Lisbon Academy of Sciences. The programme is jointly organised by the Scientific Council (CC) and the Pedagogical Council (CP), in partnership with the Academic Development Unit (NDA), and aims to promote the integration and adaptation of new professors and researchers, in alignment with Técnico values and culture.

The first day focused on “Career Management and Scientific Skills” and was attended by the President of Técnico, professor Rogério Colaço, the President of the Scientific Council, professor Rodrigo Rodrigues, the President of the Pedagogical Council, professor Teresa Peña and the Coordinator of the Mentoring programme, professor João Ramôa Correia. Several topics were discussed during the day, such as academic leadership, with professor Paulo Ferrão, career development prospects, with professor Paulo Ferreira, excellence in research and teaching, with professor Dídia Covas and the transition to university life, with professors Aleksandar Illic, Filipa Moleiro, Hugo Nicolau, Ana Clara Marques and Luís Oliveira e Silva. A Q&A session took place at the end of the day with the new professors and researchers, and professors Rodrigo Rodrigues, Teresa Peña and João Ramôa Correia.

The second day was devoted to “Leadership Skills and Team Management”, which included the presentation of several Técnico offices and services, namely Technology Transfer (TT), International Affairs (IA), Academic Development (AD), Human Resources (HR) and Library, with the participation of Olga Ribeiro (PM-GATPi), Carla Patrocínio (TT), Denise Matos (IA), Isabel Gonçalves (AD), Rui Mendes (HR) and Thaiane Honda Cotts (Library). Fundraising and project management platforms were also discussed, with the participation of professor Isabel Dias, professor Fernando Mira da Silva and Ana Bela Pereira. At lunch, professor Nuno Nunes addressed the theme of interdisciplinary research and the creation of new research groups, with the President of Técnico, the Governing Board members and the Heads of Department and Cross-cutting platforms. The afternoon session started with a session on Science Communication, led by Joana Lobo Antunes, Head of Communication, Image and Marketing at Técnico. The closing session focused on team management in academic environment, with Sofia Calheiros, from Sofia Calheiros & Associates.

The last day focused on pedagogical practices. The session began with professor Teresa Peña, who stressed the importance of the student-student and student-professor interaction, and the new teaching model at Técnico. The coordinator of the Academic Development Unit (NDA), Isabel Gonçalves, talked about student support and academic behaviour. Professor Raquel Aires de Barros, the education ombudsperson, spoke about ethics and integrity, and highlighted the values of Técnico: Respect, Integrity, Innovation, Collaboration and Excellence.