The Security Team at Técnico (STT) has qualified for the European CSAW 2019 finals. The Técnico team ranked among the 6 best teams in the world and was the 2nd European best team.
“These results show our commitment throughout the year. We have participated in various competitions and we have learnt new techniques in our meetings. That is the only way to solve difficult problems and achieve better results in the competitions ”, says Manuel Sousa, team member. STT has achieved outstanding results: “Each time our team participates in international finals we gain further experience and we properly represent Técnico abroad”, says Nuno Sabino, another team member.
This excellent results become even more impressive considering that STT have competed with more than 500 teams. “We are motivated to continue working hard and to achieve the best possible results”, stresses the team member Manuel Goulão. “Being the second European best team may pave the way for a good result in the European finals”, he adds.
“Encryption was the category that had more challenges and worth more points. Fortunately we were able to complete all challenges in this category”, recalls professor Pedro Adão, coordinator of the team. “We also did very well in binary analysis largely due to a continuous training our in team meetings. We managed to solve 23 challenges out of 27, which is great!”, he adds.
The European CSAW Finals will take place from 6th to 8th November, in France. “We are trying to select a four-member team that we hope to have expertise in all categories in order to achieve a good result”. According to the student Afonso Santos: “Last year, the final competition was very hard fought but we managed to rank 3rd”.