Campus and Community

Students’ organisations and socialising during Welcome Week – because ‘Técnico isn’t just about going to classes’

The message is echoed by students, professors and even the president of Técnico – “Técnico isn’t just about going to classes”. Several times during Welcome Week, this motto has been repeated to new Técnico students and, on 5 September, it was the turn of the Civil Engineering and Engineering Physics new students, and the Integrated Master’s students in Architecture, at Alameda campus.

The Welcome Week includes a visit to the Students’ Organisations Fair. From sports teams to brewery clubs and music groups, as well as student teams that develop cars, boats, motorbikes, or found new companies, the greatest obstacle for a newcomer to Técnico is no longer the initial inhibition but deciding what activities to get involved in during their academic journey.

Manuel Sousa joined the Undergraduate Programme in Civil Engineering. He has already visited the dozens of exhibition stands at the Students’ Union (AEIST) building. The basketball player emphasised the importance of university sports and shared why he chose Técnico: “Ever since I was little, I’ve always heard good things about the school”. He had the opportunity to confirm these testimonies twice, as he attended two editions of “Verão na ULisboa”.

“Técnico is made of these extracurricular activities organised by the Students’ Union, various entrepreneurship groups, students’ organisations…”, says Rita Mendes, a Chemical Engineering master’s student and one of the many people who helped organise the Students’ Organisation Fair. Maria Rodrigues, an Electrical Engineering undergraduate student, shares this view: “It helps a lot to meet new people and perspectives, to get out of the bubble and relax – I speak from personal experience”. The sunsets organised at the end of each afternoon also contribute to socialising. “There are ‘freshmen’ who come to the sunset on the day scheduled for their course and come back the next day because they’ve met people in the meantime”, shares Maria.

Leonor Silva came to the Students’ Organisations Fair in the morning and attended the institutional welcome session. After Rogério Colaço’s speech (in which the school’s president once again stressed that “Técnico isn’t just about going to classes”), Leonor went to the Técnico Innovation Center, where the professors would welcome the Civil Engineering students. She was prepared for a “more formal” event, but the welcome activities she took part in during the morning showed her the opposite. “I chose Técnico because it’s the best engineering school in Portugal”, she said.

The welcome week, also aimed at 2nd cycle students and students participating in mobility programmes, extends to Taguspark campus, in Oeiras, and includes campus visits, family welcome sessions and course presentation sessions.

More information: First Steps at Técnico | Student Guide

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