As in previous editions, Santander Universities will provide scholarships for the 4th edition of Técnico Career Workshops.
The Técnico Career Workshops will be given by a talent management, human resources consulting company to groups composed of 12 students.
All students interested in applying for these scholarships must fill this form until December 10.
The 60€ scholarship offered with the support of Santander Universities will allow students to participate in two workshops.
The workshops will focus on the following topics:
• Getting to know myself.
• How can I make my CV stand out?
• How do networking and social media may help me to find a job?
• How should I plan my career?
• How to build a successful international career?
• How to behave in an interview?
• How can I prepare myself for group dynamics?
The workshops will take place on March 2019, after working hours and/or weekends.
Almost 200 students participated in Técnico Career Workshops 2018.