The “Técnico lança Oeiras no Espaço” event took place on 9 July, at Técnico – Oeiras campus, and celebrated the launch of the ISTSat-1 satellite into space. The event also formalised the creation of the Oeiras Valley Space Hub, a new technological hub for Space exploration, which is the result of a protocol between Instituto Superior Técnico, Oeiras City Council, CEiiA (Centre for Engineering and Development) and AED Cluster. The agreement aims to unite the skills and efforts of a university, a business association, a research and development centre and a municipality to promote training and technological development in space exploration.
“The four institutions, in their expertise, will collaborate to create skills, train people and create value in space exploration”, stressed Rogério Colaço, president of Técnico, emphasising that the protocol is an intention manifesto of the institutions that have a significant impact on society and the country. “This agreement is an important step in the strategy of the Municipality of Oeiras to become the largest innovation ecosystem in the country, attracting the best ideas and technologies, as well as stimulating the creation of high-value jobs”, he added.
As a means of presenting the potential for collaboration, training and valorisation of the Oeiras Valley Space Hub, the event included two short presentations by the CEO of Geosat, Francisco Vilhena da Cunha, and Joana Mendonça, Vice-President of Técnico for the Management of the Oeiras campus. The protocol for the creation and promotion of the Oeiras Valley Space Hub was signed by the President of Técnico, Rogério Colaço, the Mayor of Oeiras, Isaltino Morais, the Executive Director of CEiiA, Helena Silva and the President of AED Cluster Portugal, José Neves.
The opening remarks by Rogério Colaço and Isaltino Morais were followed by a debate titled “How to prepare the next generation for a new era in space?”, which brought together nine speakers: André Dias (CEiiA), Fernando Lau (Técnico), Júlia Martinho (Técnico student / AeroTéc – RED project); Moisés Piedade (ISTSat-1 project pioneer / Técnico), Manuel Santos (Nanosat Lab / Técnico), Pedro Dias (Portuguese Space Agency); Sérgio Barbedo (Thales Edisoft), Zita Martins (Vice-President of Técnico for International Affairs), moderated by Pedro Amaral (Vice-President of Técnico for Corporate Interface, Innovation and Entrepreneurship).
The launch of ISTSat-1 was followed live from the space station in Kourou, French Guiana, where Rui Rocha and João Paulo Monteiro (Técnico / NanosatLab) and Ricardo Conde, President of the Portuguese Space Agency, were present. To explain the whole process of building the nanosatellite, a documentary video was shown, followed by a presentation by Carlos Fernandes (Técnico / NanosatLab).
The Rector of Universidade de Lisboa, Luis Ferreira, and the Portuguese Minister of Education, Science and Innovation, Fernando Alexandre, delivered the closing remarks.