Campus and Community

Técnico MOOC: School shares classes from six courses on Youtube

Some classes will be made available on Youtube over the next few weeks. Técnico professors and researchers share knowledge on science, technology, engineering, architecture and mathematics.

“Eigenvalues”, “Simulation and Control of Drones”, “Machine Learning”, “Maths & Ethics: Hands-on”, “Epigenetics”, “DataScience: Classification and kdd” and “Dynamic Energy Budgets”. These are six of the various courses available on the Massive Open Online Courses platform “Técnico Lisboa MOOC”, whose classes will be made available weekly, every Friday, on Técnico’s YouTube channel. The “Eigenvalues” course is the first one to be shared.

Técnico Lisboa’s MOOCs are open online courses designed to offer the best online training, with credible, relevant and current content on various science, technology, engineering, architecture and maths (STEAM) topics, and are available at different levels of training. The courses are designed by Técnico professors and researchers, or partner organisations, including other national and international higher education institutions. The course platform has more than 14,000 people registered and allows users to learn at their own pace.

Técnico Lisboa MOOC website