Campus and Community

Técnico Student Chapter wins a Society of Exploration Geophysicists Award 2017

Instituto Superior Técnico won a Society of Exploration Geophysicists Award for the best Student Chapters worldwide.

The SEG, the most important professional society within the geophysical community, distinguished the Técnico SEG Student Chapter as one of the eight most active student chapters worldwide. The award ceremony took place at the SEG Annual Meeting in Houston (US), last September, 26th.

This award places the Técnico Student Chapter among the most prominent European and American universities with educational programmes related with the oil and gas exploration.

Técnico SEG Student Chapter was created only one year ago with students from the Ph.D. Program on Petroleum Engineering and from both Masters of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. During the last year the Student Chapter officers (Ângela Pereira, Catarina Amaro, Jorge Oliveira and Pedro Pereira – in the picture) organized a series of seminars with professionals from the International geophysical community. Due to their effort, Técnico was able to receive a SEG’s Honorary Lectured by Prof. Martin Landrø (NTNU) last April.

The current Vice-President of the Student Chapter, Pedro Pereira, PhD student of Petroleum Engineering, was able to participate in the Houston ceremony after being awarded with a travel grant to attend the conference and a short course on leadership.

For more information about the Técnico SEG Student Chapter:
E-mail – Prof. Leonardo Azevedo
