On 29 November, the Great Hall of Instituto Superior Técnico hosted another edition of Talent Bootcamp. This two-day event brings together students and company representatives with the aim of facilitating recruitment.
Students have the opportunity to develop skills, exchange contacts with company representatives and understand the challenges of the job market. Companies have privileged access to highly prepared students who have not yet entered the job market. This year’s edition brought together 276 students and 248 professionals from 164 companies.
Pedro Ferreira first attended the event ‘just to experience the atmosphere’. Now, the Técnico student has ‘different goals. Although each bootcamp edition has a ‘very similar structure’, he believes it’s worthwhile to repeat the ‘good experience’. After listening to the first speakers, he says ‘if on the one hand it’s difficult to understand them due to their completely different backgrounds’, on the other ‘it’s great to gain different insights because human resources professionals interact with all kinds of people’.
Afonso Ramos, also a Técnico student, ‘had heard about the bootcamp but couldn’t imagine how useful it could be’. He came with his friend Pedro Ferreira as he ‘had never participated in this kind of event’. ‘I am really enjoying the event. It’s fun to get to know another reality’, he shares.
‘Our course [Master’s Programme in Data Science and Engineering] focuses on the more technical aspects, on rigour,’ he comments. One of the challenges is understanding ‘how to apply this knowledge in the business world. ‘Because they are so higher up the corporate ladder, CEOs often have more valuable insights’. Regarding their pitch, the two Técnico students say they only need to ‘make a few improvements’ to effectively present themselves and tell what they are looking for in a company within two minutes.
Between training sessions, guest panels and networking with companies, the participants learnt from Miguel Gonçalves how to ‘say the same thing in a different way’, and how to build a pitch from a template provided, followed by several moments of discussion before the final presentation.