CoDaS is a joint M.Sc. two years programme in the area of communications engineering and data science, promoted by UNITE! – University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering, and offered by three European Partner Universities: Técnico (Universidade de Lisboa), Aalto University and Grenoble INP Institute of Engineering.
Bearing in mind the growing demand for experts in these two areas, CoDaS was designed in line with the market needs, providing students with excellent training and international teaching experience in two prestigious European institutions, which allows them to obtain two diplomas.
The joint CoDaS M.Sc. programme will start at Técnico in next academic year. Only 10 places will be available.
Applications for international students (1st call) are open until 18th February.
Professor Luís M. Correia shares with us a little more about this innovative and unique programme.
How did the idea of creating joint M.Sc. programme come about?
The idea came about 2 years ago, during a conversation with colleagues from the Aalto University, in Helsinki, and from the Grenoble INP Institute of Engineering, with whom I have been working for many years. We immediately started working on this idea and how could we put it into practice.
Was it clear from the outset that you wanted to bring together Data Science and Communications Engineering, as they are two strategic areas?
Yes, definitely. We want to attract students to these areas and this joint M.Sc. Programme is a good way to do that. On the other hand, we also wanted to promote international student mobility, which is also very attractive for students. We thought that, instead of following the usual format, in which the 2nd year students typically do mobility for 6 months, this international experience should be extended for 1 year.
What is the target audience?
The starting point is to attract people who have a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering or Computer Science and Engineering. We want to attract students who have a good training in these areas, not only national, but also international, particularly from outside the European Union.
How many places are available?
10 places are available this year. We need to start slowly because there are always things that need further refining, and we should also bear in mind the capacity of the other universities to receive our students. However, we hope that this number will gradually increase over the next few years.
The selection criteria are the same in all schools. The initial admission is made by each institution separately, and the final admission decision is coordinated by the 3 institutions.
The programme has already started in the other partner universities since the beginning of the 2021/2022 academic year, right?
Yes, it has already started in the other partner universities. At Técnico, the joint CoDaS M.Sc. programme will start in the next academic year.
What sets this programme apart from similar offerings at other schools?
When we created this programme, and I am convinced this is still the case, there was no university in Portugal that offered a Double Degree programme that brought together Communications Engineering and Data Science in one single programme, and allowed students’ mobility throughout the 2nd year. Students will also have the opportunity to do their thesis with a professor from their host university, and to be co-supervised by a professor from their home university.
This joint M.Sc. Programme has a very practical component, isn’t that right?
The idea is that companies become involved in the 2nd year, so that students can do their theses in collaboration with those companies.
Do employers care about double degrees?
Yes. Companies greatly value students who have had experiences outside their home schools, namely at European level. The professional activity of Communications Engineering and Data Science rests largely on international experiences. So, the idea is that 2nd year students can undergo an international experience at another university, in order to provide them with an experience with greater added value.
Companies are also very interested in this joint M.Sc. Programme because it’s hard to find qualified people in these areas.
In your opinion, will this programme reinforce Técnico training offer in these two strategic areas: Communications Engineering and Data Science?
Yes definitely. Técnico already offers one master’s degree in Data Science and Engineering and two master’s degrees in the field of telecommunications –Telecommunications and Informatics Engineering at Taguspark campus, and Electrical and Computer Engineering, at Alameda Campus. Therefore, it was quite easy to create CoDaS, because we took advantage of the resources that already exist. We had to propose two new course units related to the area of soft skills, which already exist at other universities but not at Técnico, so that at the end of the 1st year the schools are aligned.
The joint CoDaS M.Sc. programme will be a differentiating asset for Técnico. There is a great lack of people working in this area, in Portugal and in Europe.
Is there anything else that can attract more students to this programme?
Portugal is very attractive to international students. We have a nice weather and great people, and the food is very good. In addition, Técnico is known as a prestigious school and is well positioned in several rankings. I think we have all the conditions to attract many students.