Science and Technology

ClimACT is a REGIOSTARS 2018 finalist

ClimACT Project is coordinated by Técnico and is currently being drawn up under the priority axis "Low Carbon Economy" from Interreg SUDOE programme.

ClimACT, a project coordinated by Técnico, is a REGIOSTARS 2018 finalist. RegioStars Awards identify good practices in regional development and highlight original and innovative projects that are attractive and inspiring to other regions. According to professor Marta Almeida, researcher at C2TN and ClimACT project leader “Responding to emerging challenges such as climate change, energy efficiency, resource efficiency and improvement of life quality” are the main goals of this project.

102 applications have been submitted this year to the RegioStars Awards 2018. ClimACT is among the 21 finalists, competing in the category 2: Achieving Sustainability through low carbon emissions. “Aware of the importance of this project to schools’ sustainability and to fight against climate change, the project team was “sure that the project would be among the finalists. Besides the award delivered by the jury the project, a Public Choice Award will also be delivered. “At this moment, ClimACT’s  victory depends on the commitment of all those who, directly or indirectly, are involved in the project. We are counting on the votes of all community members”, says professor Marta Almeida.

ClimACT brings together universities, national, regional and local authorities, schools, NGO’s, companies and “all people needed to support the transition to a low carbon economy at schools”, stresses professor Marta Almeida. The project aims to raise awareness on students and “empowering students we are influencing three generations: their generation, their parents’ generation and their children’ generation”, says the project leader.

The project was launched in 2016 and aims to support the transition to a low carbon economy in schools. ClimACT has four main lines of action: Develop decision support tools, create educational tools, generate new business models and establish a thematic network. At this moment, they are being validated and tested in pilot-schools aiming to be available in all schools within SUDOE region. “The school community has welcomed the project in a very positive way”, explains the researcher.