
New edition – MOOC course on eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Registration deadline: 21st February 2023.

The new edition of the MOOC Técnico course on eigenvalues and eigenvectors has open content and assessments (self-paced mode). Registration deadline: 21st February 2023.

It is expected that any participant who dedicates 5 hours per week to the course will take 4 weeks to finish it, including the assessment activities giving entitlement to the certificate. But each person can choose either the content or their own pace. The certificate is free of charge but requires a minimum score of 60%.

This online course is more than a standard course on Linear Algebra concepts related to eigenvalues and eigenvectors, since you can find many application examples in the videos. A special emphasis is given to dynamical systems, engineering design and to spectral and singular value decomposition applied to image compression and statistics.

Target audience:
This MOOC can be useful both for those who are currently enrolled in Linear Algebra Curricular Unit and for those who need to review and apply the concepts in another specific STEM area!