Susana Freitas, professor at the Department of Physics (DF) and researcher at INESC Microsystems and Nanotechnologies, was elected Associate Member Delegate to the European Physics Society (EPS) Council for 2019-2022. “My colleague from IBM-Zurich, who knows my career very well, challenged me to get more involved in activities related to Physics in Europe”, says professor Susana Freitas. The other delegates are Rolf Allenspach (IBM – Zurich); Kerstin Borras (Desy – Hamburg); Ursel Fantz (ITER – Garching) and Monica Pepe-Altarelli (CERN – Geneva).
According to the Técnico professor, her experience as INESC-MN researcher and “the fact that my application aims at promoting useful activities related to science and technology”, have contributed to her election. “Técnico is a school of engineers. I think that the what we teach during the course should be directly implemented in tech companies”, said professor Susana Freitas. The constant support of Susana Freitas in “many activities that involve physics, companies and society, may have also contributed to my election”, she adds.
“The presence of Técnico faculty in the EPS shows that our school is renowned at European level. Several Técnico faculty have a very strong international presence and they are inspiring the new generations”, says the professor.