Last MasterTalk of the 2023/2024 series explored the frontiers of physics and the Universe
Vítor Cardoso led the MasterTalk organised by the Department of Physics. ...
Vítor Cardoso led the MasterTalk organised by the Department of Physics. ...
April 19, at 2 p.m., in Abreu Faro Amphitheatre, Interdisciplinary Building, Alameda Campus ...
The event marked the admission and career progression of 53 professors and researchers....
Mariana Moreira’s work may contribute to solving a problem at an experiment based at CERN....
José Tito Mendonça is a researcher at the Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion (IPFN) and retired Full Professor (IST Department...
Professor Jedediah H. Pixley (Rutgers University) will give the colloquium “Twisting quantum matter beyond the graphene paradigm” on 8th November. Professor...
The inauguration of the pendulum in Timor brought to the local community the possibility of improving the teaching of engineering, physics,...
The NanoXIMAGES project was one of the prizes selected under the Prix Tremplin Mariano Gago, which awarded 84,000 euros to four...
The articles "Laser-driven, ion-scale magnetospheres in laboratory plasmas" were recently published in the scientific journal belonging to the AIP....
“Spontaneous and directed-assembly of polymers from the molecular to macroscales”...
“Unconscious bias: how it impacts careers in science and how to mitigate this influence.” - Petra Rudolf – 11:00|13:00 - via...
This year, the Department of Physics (DF) celebrates its 40th anniversary. The ceremony will take place virtually, through Técnico social media,...
“The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020: Black holes, from dawn to glory.” 16:00...
The next DF-IST colloquium will take place on 18th November 2020. • 18th November, 16:00 – Online • Speaker: professor Joana Gonçalves de Sá (IST/DF;...
“Testing the Massive Black Hole Paradigm and General Relativity with Infrared Interferometry: A Forty-Year Journey” - 16:00...
The Department of Physics at IST will organise a Distinguished Lecture on 21st October 2020. • 21st October, 16:00 – Online •...
“Turbulent hydrodynamics in strongly correlated Kagome metals”, 11:00 ...
Dr Eva-Maria Graefe (Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London) will give a webinar titled “Evolution of Gaussian wave packets generated by...