Science and Technology

Técnico alumnus distinguished by the American Geophysical Union

When professor Bruno Faria received an email from the American Geophysical Union (AGU), saying that he had been one of the winners of the Africa Award for Research Excellence in Earth Or Ocean Sciences, he thought it could be a computer virus. Professor Bruno Faria was visibly happy as he said “This award is a recognition of the work that I have been developing for a long time”.

Bruno Faria is currently the Director of Geophysics Department at the National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics in Cape Verde. The award recognises the work carried out during his PhD, which allowed to forecast the eruption of Fogo volcano in November 2014.

The geophysicist got his PhD in Engineering Physics at Técnico in 2010. He considers that the academic experience at Técnico “is one of the main pillars”. “The relationship with my supervisor, professor João F. B. Duarte Fonseca, was key for this success, so I want to share this award with him”, says the alumnus.

Every year, AGU recognises individuals for their exceptional achievements, outstanding contributions and service to the scientific community in Earth or space science fields. This distinguished group of honorees is composed of scientists, leaders, educators and communicators. The award ceremony will be held on 13th December 2017, at the Fall Meeting in New Orleans.