Science and Technology

Técnico researchers received the 2017 SAGE Best Paper Award from the Journal of Engineering Manufacture

Professors Luís Alves, Carlos Alves Silva, Chris Nielsen and Paulo Martins, received the 2017 SAGE Best Paper Award from the Journal of Engineering Manufacture.

The professors and researchers from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM) and IDMEC/LAETA, Luís Alves, Carlos Alves Silva and Paulo Martins, and also professor Chris Nielsen from the Technical University of Denmark, were recently awarded the 2017 SAGE Best Paper Award by the Editor and Editorial Board of the Journal of Engineering Manufacture for their paper “Pressure-assisted forming of non-concentric tubular cross sections with solid medium”.

According to professor Paulo Martins, the technology presented in the paper demands “the use of a tool with simultaneous operation in two axes (vertical and horizontal) that was developed at Instituto Superior Técnico, namely in two scientific areas: mechanical technology and industrial management”. “The high flexibility that allows to manufacture customized geometries in small production series” is one of the advantages highlighted by the professor.