Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa” – Marco Mazzucchelli
“What does a Besse contact sphere look like?” - 17:00...
“What does a Besse contact sphere look like?” - 17:00...
“Twistor constructions of non-compact hyperkähler manifolds” – 17:00...
“On the number of fixed points of periodic flows.” - 17:00...
“Towards a polarization-free quantization” – 17:00...
We announce a new Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa”. 23rd February 2021, 17:00 – Online Speaker: professor Alexandru Oancea (Chef de projet Analyse Algébrique, Mathematics Institute...
“Persistence and Triangulation in Lagrangian Topology”...
The next Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa” will take place on 26th January. 26 de janeiro 2021, terça-feira, 17h – Online • Speaker:...
The next seminar “Geometria em Lisboa” will take place on 19th January 2021. • 19 th January 2021, 17:00 – Online • Speaker: professor Justin...
“Co-associative fibrations of G2-manifolds and deformations of singular sets” – 17:00...