International experts celebrate advances in the fusion industry at Técnico
The event recognised the role of the Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion in the successful funding of the International Thermonuclear...
The event recognised the role of the Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion in the successful funding of the International Thermonuclear...
Carlos Varandas, a founding member of the Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion, will continue to chair the consultative body until...
The record-breaking reactor, Joint European Torus, was managed by the EUROfusion consortium, of which Técnico is Portugal’s representative....
On December 12, 2023 Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and General Fusion announced a collaboration agreement, through IST’s Institute for Plasmas and...
Técnico is Portugal's representative in the EUROfusion consortium, which has announced the scientific results obtained in 2021, from their record-breaking experimental...
The book "Fusão Nuclear na era das alterações climáticas" ("Nuclear Fusion in the Age of Climate Change") can be downloaded for...
The EUROfusion consortium achieved 59 megajoules of sustained fusion energy, proving the potential for fusion energy to deliver safe and sustainable...
IST is the national partner of the 2nd annual FuseNet Teacher Training Day, which aims to introduce nuclear fusion to secondary...
Among the 16 winning projects there are three projects with IPFN participation. IPFN coordinates 2 projects and participates in another....
Técnico, with the collaboration of IPFN and ISR, is part of the winning consortium for the largest robotics contracts to date...