QM^3 Quantum Matter meets Maths – Hannah Price
“Exploring 4D topological physics in the laboratory” – 17:00...
“Exploring 4D topological physics in the laboratory” – 17:00...
“Mathematics of magic angles for twisted bilayer graphene” – 17:00...
We announce a QM^3 Quantum Matter meets Maths Seminar as follows: 22nd February 2021, 17:00 – Online Speaker: professor Maciej Koch-Janusz (Dept.Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Group, University...
“Indicators of quantum chaos and the transition from few- to many-body systems” – 17:00...
“Liquid crystal director fields in three-dimensional non-Euclidean geometries.” – 10:00...
“Localization at the edge of a topological insulator: Interplay of disorder-induced-localization and topological protection” – 17:00...
“Less is more: effective description of topological spin liquids”, 17:00...
“Dealing with Systematic Uncertainties in HEP Analysis with Machine Learning Methods.” – 18:00, via Zoom...
“Hyperbolic band theory” – 17:00, via Zoom...
“Berry's Phase, TKN^2 ntegers and All That: My work on Topology in Condensed Matter Physics 1983-1993” – 13:00 - via Zoom...
“Deformed Airy kernel determinants: from KPZ tails to initial data for KdV”, 17:00, online...