Lisboa WADE – Valeria Chiadò Piat
“An extension theorem from connected sets and homogenization of non-local functionals” - 14h...
“An extension theorem from connected sets and homogenization of non-local functionals” - 14h...
“Some problems and some solutions in shape and topology optimization of structures built by additive manufacturing” - 14h...
“Period two solution for a class of distributed delay differential equations” - 11h...
“Global-in-Time Solutions to the N-Body Euler-Poisson System” - 15h....
“A new instability for higher dimensional black holes” - 14h...
No dia um “Lisbon WADE – Webinar em Análise e Equações Diferenciais”. • 11 de março 2021, quinta-feira, 14h – Online • Orador: professor Bruno...
“Vectorial free boundary problems” - 14h...
“Regularity of the optimal sets for the second Dirichlet eigenvalue” - 15h...
“The Vázquez maximum principle and the Landis conjecture for elliptic PDE with unbounded coefficients” - 14h...
“Fractional PDEs: Control, Numerics, and Applications” - 14h....
“On the asymptotic stability of kinks for (1 + 1)-scalar field models.” - 14h...
“NLS ground states on metric trees: existence results and open questions” - 14h...
“On the stability of equilibria for infinitely many particles” - 14h...
“Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation: toward soliton resolution” - 14h30...
“Stochastic Cucker-Smale model: collision-avoidance and flocking.” - 14h30...