Seminário QuantHEP – Elías F. Combarro
“Exploring applications of quantum computing at CERN” - 17h CET...
“Exploring applications of quantum computing at CERN” - 17h CET...
“Engineering local U(1) symmetry in artificial systems” - 17h...
“From tensor networks to quantum computations of lattice field theories.” - 17h...
“Simulating 2D lattice gauge theories on quantum computers” - 17h...
“The Fermilab Quantum Science and Technology Program” - 17:00 CET...
“High-dimensional lattice gauge theory simulations at finite density with unconstrained tree tensor networks” - 16h...
“Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation of the Lattice Schwinger Model” - 16h...
“Tackling Tracking with Quantum Computation” - 16h (hora de Lisboa)...