Academic Degrees
According to Decree-Law no. 74/2006 and the Bologna Process, the following higher education degrees are awarded at Técnico, after the conclusion of the respective study programme:
Study Programme | Degreee | ECTS credits | European Qualification Framework |
Undergraduate programme and 1st cycle of an Integrated Master | Bachelor | 180 | level 6 |
Master programme and 2nd cycle of an Integrated Master | Master | 120 | level 7 |
PhD (3rd cycle) | Doctor | 180 to 240 | level 8 |
The awarding of academic degrees is carried out by Técnico, with the certification of Universities’ Rectory, after the completion of the academic registration process, that is, the registration and approval of each students’ curricular units grades.
Diplomas and Certificates
After completing a study programme, each student must request the documents certifying their academic degree, so that the academic services can confirm all grades and the closure of the cycle, and issue the requested documents.
Note: Request of documentation will only be possible once all grades have been registered on the Fénix platform (visible in the Student > Curriculum menu).
Degree Registration Certificate
The award of academic degrees is ensured by the issuance of a Degree Registration Certificate, which is the first document the student should request. These documents may be issued in Portuguese or in English.
Fee: 38€
Delivery time: 6 to 12 months (estimated)Document information
Na Certidão de Registo constam obrigatoriamente os seguintes elementos:
- Register number;
- Students full name;
- Identification card number (citizen card, passport or another valid document);
- Nationality;
- Study programme designation;
- School;
- Conclusion date;
- Thesis title (only for PhD);
- Degree and programme designation;
- Area of specialization (PhD);
- Grade and qualification (if applicable);
- Emission date;
- School President and Rector signature.
Note: Documents in the english language maintain the portuguese designation for the academic title. The study field is referred to in english.
To request the document
The BSc and MSc Degree Registration Certificates are requested via the online Smart Forms platform. The academic services validate each request, once the request is submitted and the respective document fee is payed.
Note: if it is not possible to submit and seal the request, it will remain in the “under construction” state and can be resumed at a later date, without the need to create a new request.
Confirmation and verification of all grades by the academic services can take between 45 and 90 working days. It takes an estimated 6 to 12 months to issue the Degree Registration Certificate.
Note: Students that have completed Pre-Bolonha (5 years) study programmes shall contact the academic services – Graduate Area (Alameda campus) and Academic Management Area (Taguspark campus) before requesting documents.
Request Degree Registration Certificate
The PhD Degree Registration Certificate is requested in the Post-Graduation Office.
Requesting a Duplicate
A copy of the Degree Registration Certificate can be issued, which will mention that the document is a copy, by sealing the request in the Smart Forms platform (and paying the associated fee).
It takes an estimeted 6 months to issue a copy of the Degree Registration Certificate.
Note: a Certificate in a language different from the language used in the first issue will be considered as a duplicate.
Diploma supplement
The Degree Registration Certificate is accompanied by the Diploma Supplement, a document describing the higher education system of the country of origin of the certificate, which provides detailed information on the studies that were pursued and successfully completed.
This document is bilingual and merely informative and does not replace the certificate nor is it proof of ownership of the qualification to which it refers. It is issued automatically and free of charge with the 1st copy of the Degree Registration Certificate.
Additional information may be included in the Diploma Supplement, corresponding to activities carried out by students during their study programme, recognised by Técnico. Each student must submit the record of these activities and the respective supporting documents before requesting the Degree Registration Certificate, and may do so throughout their study programme.
Aditional Information recognized in the Diploma Supplement
- ULisboa Academic Merit Grant
- Técnico Student Staff (grants) (NAPE, DSI, Monitors, others)
- Year Delegate
- Course Delegate
- Specialization Area Delegate
- Diploma de Excelência do Técnico
- Diploma de Mérito do Técnico
- School Assembly Member
- Pedagogical Council Member
- Faculty Assembly Member
- AEIST Board Member
- AEIST Sports Team Members das Equipas Desportivas da AEIST (designated by AEIST)
- AEIST Autonomous Sections Members (designated by AEIST)
- Students Organizations’ Members (designated by their boards) (list)
- Participation in an internship within the Técnico Summer Internships initiative
- Participation in the ATHENS mobility programme
- Participation in the “De Bom a Excelente” workshop of the Academic Development Unit
- Portuguese Language Courses for Foreign Students
- International Ambassadors Programme
- Técnico’s Ambassadors Programme
- Mentoring Programme
- Other activities to be approved by the Governing Body
Legislation and Regulation
Degree Conclusion Certificate
Besides the Degree Registration Certificate, the student may request the Conclusion Certificate, a bilingual and digital document that proves the conclusion of the BSc and MSc study cycle, but does not award the degree.
Fee: 60€
Delivery time: 2 to 5 woriking days (estimated)It can only be requested after requesting the Degree Registration Certificate (which accredits the Bachelor or Master) and the closure of the cycle. The request is only validated if sealed and submited with the payment the respective emoluments.
Formal Diploma
The Formal Diploma is a more ceremonial, optional document, which also proves the awarded degree. It is issued in Portuguese or English.
Fee: 100€ (BSc) e 125€ (MSc)
Delivery time: 6 months (estimated).To request the document
The BSc and MSc Degree Registration Certificates are requested via the online Smart Forms platform. The academic services validate each request, once the respective document fee is payed.
A copy of the Degree Registration Certificate can be issued, which will mention that the document is a copy, by submitting a request in the Smart Forms platform (and paying the associated fee).
The PhD Formal Diploma is requested in the Post-Graduation Office.
Graduation Ceremony
Graduation Day is a celebration that marks the end of Master’s and PhD students academic studies. In this annual solemn session at Aula Magna da Universidade de Lisboa, alumni speeches take place and students are awarded with a symbolic diploma and receive greetings from the Presidents of the School Bodies, Departments and Course Coordinators. Family and friends are also invited.
The event takes place in the year following the conclusion of their study programme. The invitation is sent to students to the institutional email address and the registration is made in the Fénix system.