Apply for an Undergraduate Programme with a Middle or Higher Education Level

The special access scheme process is for applicants with a higher education degree, middle level or post-secondary certificate. This special selection is according to the Decree-Law No. 113/2014.

For further information contact the Admissions Office.



Submission of applications 20th of May to the 7th of May, 2024
Publication of temporary results 1st of July, 2024
Complaints and reevaluation requests 1st to the 5th of July, 2024
Publication of final results 12th of July, 2024
Registration 2nd to the 6th of September, 2024

Selection criteria

Applicants shall be selected by the course coordination for which they apply according to the following criteria:

  • Similarity of the course they hold and the course for which they intend to apply
  • Nature of the degree they hold
  • Final classification of the course they hold

Titulares de diploma de especialização tecnológica ou titulares de diploma de técnico superior profissional, que cumulativamente sejam titulares das provas de ingresso exigidas – necessitam realizar os exames nacionais do ensino secundário correspondentes às provas de ingresso exigidas para o ingresso no ciclo de estudos em causa através do regime geral de acesso e ingresso regulado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 296-A/98, de 25 de Setembro; e obter nesses exames uma classificação não inferior à classificação mínima fixada pela instituição de ensino superior nos termos do artigo 25.º do Decreto-Lei n.º 296-A/98.

Titulares de outros cursos superiores – grau de bacharel, licenciado, mestre ou doutor.

Application fees

An application fee payment of € 100 is required for each application, which is not refunded after the publication of results.

  • After submission of the application process an ATM reference will be generated to proceed with the payment.
  • The payment shall be done until 3 working days after the submission and sealing the application.
  • The application fee is not refundable.

Required Documents

In order to complete the application process it is necessary to submit the following documents scanned as PDF files:

Holders of a Technological Specialisation Diploma or a Higher Professional Diploma

(Attention: No vacancies were allocated for Holders of a Technological Specialisation Diploma or a Higher Professional Diploma)

  • Recent Photo
  • Up-to-date CV
  • Official transcript with average grade of the candidate´s school records
  • Official transcript with course achievement
  • Personal Identification Card
  • Tax Identification Card
  • Bank transfer slip of the payment for 140 euros referring to the application fee. (With exception to the UTL/UL students and ex-students which pay an amount of 50 euros)
  • Access application history report for Higher Education.

Holders of Higher Education Degrees – Undergraduate, Masters’ and Doctorates’ Degree

  • Recent Photo
  • Up-to-date CV
  • Official academic transcript with average grade of the candidate´s university records
  • Personal Identification Card
  • Tax Identification Card
  • Bank transfer slip of the payment for 100 euros referring to the application fee

Study Programmes

Programme Vacancies 2023/241 Campus URL
Architecture2 1 Alameda
Aerospace Engineering 0 Alameda
Environmental Engineering 0 Alameda
Biological Engineering 1 Alameda
Biomedical Engineering 0 Alameda
Civil Engineering 1 Alameda
Electronics Engineering 1 Taguspark
Electrical and Computer Engineering 1 Alameda
Engineering Physics 0 Alameda
Industrial Engineering and Management 0 Taguspark
Information Systems and Computer Engineering (Alameda) 0 Alameda
Information Systems and Computer Engineering (Taguspark) 2 Taguspark
Materials Engineering 1 Alameda
Mechanical Engineering 1 Alameda
Mining and Geological Engineering 0 Alameda
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 1 Alameda
Chemical Engineering 1 Alameda
Telecommunications and Informatics Engineering 1 Taguspark
Applied Mathematics and Computation 0 Alameda

1 – Number of vacancies to be confirmed
2 – Application to the Integrated Master in Architecture (1st and 2nd study cycles).

Required Documents

In order to complete the application process it is necessary to submit the following documents scanned as PDF files:

Holders of a Technological Specialisation Diploma or a Higher Professional Diploma

(Attention: No vacancies were allocated for Holders of a Technological Specialisation Diploma or a Higher Professional Diploma)

  • Recent Photo
  • Up-to-date CV
  • Official transcript with average grade of the candidate´s school records
  • Official transcript with course achievement
  • Personal Identification Card
  • Tax Identification Card
  • Bank transfer slip of the payment for 140 euros referring to the application fee. (With exception to the UTL/UL students and ex-students which pay an amount of 50 euros)
  • Access application history report for Higher Education.

Holders of Higher Education Degrees – Undergraduate, Masters’ and Doctorates’ Degree

  • Recent Photo
  • Up-to-date CV
  • Official academic transcript with average grade of the candidate´s university records
  • Personal Identification Card
  • Tax Identification Card
  • Bank transfer slip of the payment for 100 euros referring to the application fee

More information:

Tuition Fees

National and EU Students: For the academic year 2022/23 the tuition fee for the 1st study cycle courses (undergraduate or integrated masters) is 697,00 euros.

International Students: Students from outside the EU that apply for an undergraduate or an integrated masters will pay an annual fee of 7000 euros.

Tuition Fees

Técnico Open Day

On the Técnico’s Open Day, it is possible to get to know the scientific areas, the courses, and the facilities, in a day with a vast program of activities that involve the entire community of the School.

Open Day

Talk with us

If you have questions on the application submission process, required documents or payments, you can contact the Admissions Office.

Application Support

If you wish to find out more about our programmes and academic experience, you may schedule a visit or a Zoom chat with a student.

Book a Visit

Registration and Welcome Week

After the placement, each student must registrate in Técnico and may participate in the welcoming activities.

First Steps