Climate Change AI will be hosting the first edition of Climate Change AI Summer School taking place in a full virtual format on weekdays from Aug 15th to Aug 26th, 2022. The schedule time zone is to be defined based on the cohort.
The Climate Change AI Summer School Climate Change AI summer school is designed to educate and prepare participants with a background in artificial intelligence and/or a background in a climate-change related field to tackle major climate problems using AI. The summer school aims to bring together a multidisciplinary group of participants and facilitate project-based team work to strengthen collaborations between different fields and foster networking in this space.
The summer school is free of charge.
- Deadline: 17th December 2021, 23:59 AOE (Anywhere on Earth).
- Notification of acceptance: Week of February 21, 2022.
Applicants who are accepted will be asked to confirm their attendance for the entire duration of the summer school. This course will be instructed by members of CCAI and world-renowned experts in ML and Climate Change.
On behalf of Climate Change AI,
Jeremy Irvin (Stanford)
Hari Prasanna Das (UC Berkeley)
Maria João Sousa (IST, ULisboa)
Olivia Mendivil Ramos (Climate Change AI).