
1st Edition of HILTI Engineering Challenge

Técnico - Alameda Campus

The 1st edition of HILTI Engineering Challenge will take place on 20th and 21st October at DECivil. This event is promoted by HILTI Portugal, in collaboration with professors of the curricular unit Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (professor Rita Bento and professor Mario Lopes), aiming to combine steel and concrete structures through chemical and mechanical anchor systems.

During the two days students will test and apply their skills and knowledge in a practical case. In the first day, students will have the opportunity to study and present technical solutions to professionals of building construction industry; On the second day, students will carry out practical work at LERM. Simultaneously, all community will have the opportunity to participate in different challenges of the Roadshow sponsored by HILTI.

The winning team of this challenge is automatically selected to the recruitment process at HILTI. This is a unique opportunity that will allow finalists of MSc in Civil Engineering (Structures), to further enrich practical knowledge in the field of civil engineering, bringing together companies and higher education institutions and their students.

October 20 (2.30 p.m.) and October 21(2 p.m.)
October 20 : Team up with 4 friends and get ready to size, assemble and fix a mixed structure.
October 21: Participate in the Roadshow and you can win a prize.

Registrations must be done by email until September 30.