Isabel Pinheiro de Almeida (C2TN; IST/Tecnológico e Nuclear Campus) will give the next colloquium organised by the Department of Physics at IST (DF-IST), on 13th November, at 16:00.
The title of the colloquium will be “Proton therapy – from the benefits to the challenges for clinical implementation”.
Proton therapy is an emerging technique to treat cancer in the last decade. The clinical rational of proton therapy is the potential to decrease the levels of radiation given to healthy tissues, while keeping a very high dose conformity to the tumor. Moreover, with the increase of life expectancy worldwide and higher rate of cancer cases in children and young adults, there is the real need to reduce radiation induces side effects. However, proton therapy accurate treatment has still many challenges to overcome until the technique reaches a level of stable maturity.
Venue: Mathematics building, PA2 amphitheatre, floor -1.