
IP Days@Técnico – Limitations in patenting biotechnological inventions

Alameda Campus (room Q01 - Chemical Engineering building)

On November 20 will take place another session of IP Days@Técnico. Attendance is free but requires prior registration.

The 4th session of IP Days@Técnico, organised in partnership with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), will take place on November 20, at 2 p.m., in room Q01 (Chemical engineering building).

The session will be focused on biotechnology inventions and aims to teach participants how to understand the specifications of patents for biotechnology inventions and to identify what can and can not be patented in this area.

All 2nd and 3rd cycle students, faculty, researchers, alumni and IST Spin-Off® community are invited to participate. Attendance is free but requires prior registration.


  • 2 p.m. – Welcome session
  • 2.15 p.m. – Biotechnological inventions:
    • Introduction
    • Legal framework and historical aspects of biotechnology patents
    • What can be patented
    • What can’t be patented
    • Special cases- patentability
  • 3.30 – Q&A’s and Coffee Break

More information

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