Campus and Community

Business and Technology Week brought together students and companies in Oeiras

The event, which took place at Técnico - Oeiras campus, was organised by students from various courses, who were able to interact with the business community.

Between 24 and 27 February, the main atrium of Instituto Superior Técnico – Oeiras Campus was once again the stage for SET – Business and Technology Week. The event, organised by Técnico students from various courses, aimed to bring the academic community closer to the business world, in different sectors of activity, featuring a diverse programme of lectures, workshops and speed interviews, as well as numerous networking opportunities.

The event began with the opening speech by Joana Mendonça, the Vice-President of Técnico for the Oeiras campus. On the same day, entrepreneur Marta Bernardino gave the talk ‘How to Turn Ideas into Successful Startups’, sharing her project to develop a robot to help reforestation in Portugal. The remaining days covered topics such as digital security (Deloitte cyber-attack simulation) recruitment in the business sector, as well as innovation in the banking sector (workshop given by Montepio Bank).

During the speed interviews, several students were able to present themselves to recruiters and receive advice on their performance thus preparing for future recruitment processes. “It’s interesting to see so many motivated students looking for opportunities”, said Mariana, from Accenture’s recruitment team. According to Bernardo, a master’s student, ‘SET is a great way of getting to know the job market’, a view also shared by Leonardo Oliveira, a 3rd-year Electronics Engineering undergraduate student, who says ‘SET is essential for connecting with the business world’.

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