The Naval Engineering Students’ Organisation (NAEN) at Instituto Superior Técnico organised the 11th Conference on Naval Engineering on 19th and 20th February. The event featured a series of talks by company representatives, promoting contact between students and the business community.
One of these talks was given by Andomarc Miranda. Once a Técnico student and now a naval engineer by profession, the speaker shared the activities of the shipbuilding company where he works and his experiences there. He addressed topics such as the design of a cruise ship capable of sailing Arctic waters and Portuguese Navy patrol ships, the construction of a dry dock in Viana do Castelo or the production of the spiral metal roof of the Noisy-Champs railway station in France.
“It was very useful to learn about particular situations and problems faced by naval engineers”, said Afonso Santos as he left the Abreu Faro auditorium, where the lecture took place. He has just finished the third year of the Undergraduate Programme in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering and he wants to continue studying at Técnico. He is undecided whether to do a Master’s Programme in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering or a Master’s Programme in Mechanical Engineering. To help him make his decision, he decided to attend the conference where he got to know companies of this sector. According to the Técnico students, participating in these activities was “a positive experience”.