Campus and Community

International Day takes students to travel around the world

"We are here to help and to guide students in what concerns mobility programmes.”

Instituto Superior Técnico organised once again the International Day (IDay).

Hundreds of students visited the stands to get more information about Técnico’s mobility programmes with more than 75 countries. Some of the countries represented in this event were Poland, Australia, United States, India, Japan and Argentina, as well as diplomatic representatives and foreign universities.

According to Ana Lucas, advisor for International Area and member of IDay’s organisation, this was one of the events that involved the largest number of participants. “Some participants, such as those of Australia, who attend national and international fairs, told me that this was the event with more students involved.”

Eduard, student of Information Systems and Computer Engineering, took the opportunity to know more about the mobility programmes. “I came here because I would like to study in the United States, but I keep my mind open and I want to have more information about all the different possibilities.”

“This year, for the first time, embassies and consulates participated in this event and brought different information from that provided by the universities”, explained Ana Lucas.

“This event is important because it involves an increasing number of participants each year, which shows a clear interest of Técnico’ s students in doing a mobility programme or a double degree programme. We are here to help and to guide students in what concerns mobility programmes.”