Campus and Community

Master’s Day enlightens students about the next steps after graduation

The 2nd edition of ‘Técnico Master’s Day’ filled the Great Hall of Alameda campus with students, professors and staff.

The 2nd call for applications for the Master’s Programmes at Instituto Superior Técnico will take place from 11 June to 5 July. Choosing between the 33 master’s programmes may not be an easy task for some students. As a response to this, on the afternoon of 6 June, the Great Hall of Instituto Superior Técnico hosted the Técnico Master’s Day, an event that brings together students, professors and staff from the School.

The dozens of tables were occupied by course coordinators, final year students and representatives from the various departments.

Beatriz Lopes, a Técnico student, is one of the people available to help those who ask for clarification. She explained that there are various services represented at the event to help students clarify their doubts about ECTS and how to choose curricula, international mobility programmes and other curricular aspects. The coordinators of the different master’s programme courses also attended the event for more specific questions.

João Santos came to Master’s Day because he hasn’t decided yet about two areas of interest. ‘I had the opportunity to talk to professors I’d already met during my undergraduate programme and everyone was very friendly and helpful’, said the Técnico student. ‘I had a lot of questions about the differences between the two master’s degrees I’m considering doing, and being able to clarify my doubts has helped me a lot”, he said.

However, it wasn’t just undergraduate graduates who benefited from the event. Laura Zappavigna, a 1st-year master’s student, made a point of attending the event to ask questions about optional courses and how the Erasmus programme works. Last year, she attended the first edition of Master’s Day and, even then, she thought it was ‘super enlightening’ and very important for the choice she would make later on.

As a final year master’s student, João Francisco knows how to apply for a thesis and enrol in the various areas of a master’s programme. He is attending the event with dozens of other colleagues to answer participants’ questions. ‘I’ve been asked a lot about my perspective as a master’s student at Técnico’, he explains. He told participants that ‘it’s been an interesting process, with very practical subjects where I’ve been able to develop projects that I’ve really enjoyed’. João also pointed out that ‘there are many people who don’t have a clear idea of what the master’s journey is going to be like, which is very important for making an informed and correct plan for their 2nd cycle’ that’s why he considers the Master’s Day a very useful event’.