Last Tuesday was held the signing ceremony of the scholarship E.A.S.S. – Elísio Alexandre Soares dos Santos, which promote the support to Técnico students whose social situation justifies the granting of a scholarship. This year, the scholarship was awarded to nine students, according to their needs, school fees, including tuition and accommodation.
The ceremony was attended by Dr. Inês Canas Simões and Dr. António Araújo, from SINDCOM – Sociedade de Investimentos na Indústria e Comércio, who expressed the intention of Soares dos Santos family to invest in the education of the new generations, particularly students of recognised merit who demonstrate financial needs.
Professor Luís Caldas de Oliveira, vice-president of Técnico for Entrepreneurship and Corporate Relations, noted the importance of such partnerships for Técnico and beneficiary students.
Professor Rogério Colaço, vice-president of Técnico for Administrative and Financial Management, noted the importance of this gesture, expressing his concern for “the increasing number of students who abandon studies due to lack of financial resources” and wished a fruitful academic year to the awarded students.