Campus and Community

Técnico president inducts new Heads of Department

This Monday, 4th January, the Técnico president inducted the new Heads of Department.

Professor João Pedro Conde (Department of Bioengineering- DBE) and professor Pedro Coelho (Department of Mechanical Engineering – DEM), renewed their mandates.

Professor Ana Póvoa (Department of Engineering and Management – DEG), professor Vítor Cardoso (Department of Physics -DF), professor Jorge Brito (Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources – DECivil), professor José Santos-Victor (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering – DEEC) and professor José Mourão (Department of Mathematics – DM), begin their mandates.

The absent members will be inducted at a later date: Dr. Isabel Prudêncio (Department of Nuclear Sciences and Engineering) and professor Teresa Duarte (Department of Chemical Engineering – DEQ) renewed their mandates. Professor Nuno Nunes (Department of Computer Science and Engineering) will begin a new mandate.

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