Técnico continues to mobilise all possible means to fight against Covid-19 pandemic. A research team is producing hand sanitizer to address the shortage of materials identified by the health units of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo.
“We have received requests from several health institutions, and we have established a direct contact with ARSLVT [Regional Health Administration of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo], which will coordinate the distribution of materials. We also received a request from ULisboa field hospital”, shares professor Fátima Montemor, vice-president of Técnico for Research and International Affairs. According to the professor, it was easy to build a team to carry out this mission. “People are willing to help. I received many e-mails from IST laboratory directors, such as IPFN, IN +, CQE, INESC-MN, C2TN, among others, offering alcohol, gloves, etc.”. “5 people are helping us. Many people have volunteered to prepare hand sanitizer and then take it to the collection point, located at Técnico – Alameda campus (South tower)”.
According to professor Fátima Montemor, in the next 3 or 4 days, the IST researchers expect to produce around 200 liters and, if everything goes well, the first batch of hand sanitizer will be delivered at the begginning of next week.
Técnico had already started to collect several material, such as as alcohol, gloves and face masks, which will be delivered together with the hand sanitizer.
Anyone who wants to donate alcohol for our project please contact the team.
Fátima Montemor: mfmontemor@tecnico.ulisboa.pt