Campus and Community

Técnico professors elected Board members of IEEE EMBS Portugal Chapter

Professor João Sanches and professor Hugo Silva were elected Vice President and Secretary, respectively.

João Sanches, professor at the Department of Bioengineering (DBE) and researcher at the Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR- Lisboa), and Hugo Silva, also professor at DBE and researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT), were elected Board members of IEEE EMBS Portugal Chapter for the biennium 2020-2021.

“Being elected a board member of IEEE EMBS Portugal Chapter is a privilege and a responsibility”, says professor João Sanches. “It works as an aggregator element of this community that has an enormous vitality around the world and also in Portugal”, adds the Técnico professor. The two Técnico professors were invited by Miguel Coimbra, professor at the University of Porto and president of the IEEE EMBS Portugal Chapter, and with whom they have been collaborating for many years in the area of Biomedical Engineering.

Congregating 12 thousand members spread across 97 countries, the IEEE EMBS is the largest international society of Biomedical Engineers. EMBS has 122 chapters spread around the world, which are divided into five geographical areas: Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East / Africa, Latin America and North America (including Canada). In Europe, there are 22 chapters.

IEEE EMBS Portugal Chapter was created in 2006 and aims to disseminate and boost Biomedical Engineering in Portugal. In July 2019, the IEEE EMBS Portugal Chapter was recognised as a “IEEE EMBS Outstanding European Chapter”. “Our goal is to bring together and to represent the Portuguese Biomedical Engineering researchers at EMBS, to make our activities visible abroad and to promote international events in our country”, says professor João Sanches.