Instituto Superior Técnico started the SARS-CoV-2 testing programme on 9th October with the support of Universidade de Lisboa. About 25,000 tests will be done during this academic year. The tests are free of charge for Técnico community – students, staff, professors and researchers – and aim to track, identify and detect possible cases of infection, thus allowing a quick action to prevent the spread of the virus on campuses.
Members of Técnico community (students, professors, staff or researchers) may request, on their own initiative, COVID-19 testing in case of suspicion / risk of infection, by filling out and sending this form.
The current status report is shared weekly on Técnico social networks. In the first week (9th to 16th October), 367 people were tested, 13 have tested positive. The proximity contacts were identified by the Safety, Hygiene and Health Unit (NSHS).
Técnico will start to monitor national and international students suspected of contracting the new coronavirus or whose test result was positive. NSHS will contact these students, who will be monitored regurlarly. Several Técnico services are involved in this process, as well as a volunteer network.
Despite self-isolation, students can follow their classes remotely and be evaluated. The statutes “Online Presence – Authorized” and “Online Presence – Authorized – International Student”, were created for this purpose.
The COVID-19 testing programme and the support plan for national and international students in self-isolation reinforce Técnico’s Prevention and Action Plan against COVID-19.