Campus and Community

Técnico’s Jobshop celebrates its 35th edition

The largest and oldest Portuguese university job fair has returned to Alameda campus giving visitors the opportunity to learn more about the job market.

The 35th edition of Jobshop took place from 24th to 26th May, at Alameda campus, under the slogan “Be in charge of your success”. This year’s edition brought together more than 100 companies. The “large number of companies” proves that “Técnico plays an important role the job market”, said Bernardo Santos, President of Técnico Students’ Union (AEIST), the entity that organised the event.

The opening ceremony was attended by the President of Técnico, Rogério Colaço, who described the event as being “part of Técnico’s DNA”, and the Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, Ana Mendes Godinho, who called for “commitment” to “guarantee that everyone finds answers to job expectations”. “Young people should not have to get used to precarious employment”, stressed the Minister.

Going to the Jobshop may not mean looking for a job. João Sereno and Beatriz Matias, 3rd year Computer Science and Engineering students at Técnico, visited the job fair “looking for summer internships”. They want “to gain practical experience” before entering the job market and “to network during the event”, namely “with people outside our training area”. Maria Cunha, a 4th year Mechanical Engineering student, tries to find “an opportunity for a partnership” for her master’s thesis. She wants to “work in robotics” and aspires to “leave Portugal”.

The Técnico alumnus Ricardo Penedo, attended Jobshop as a recruiter, representing the Técnico spin-off Omnidea, which provides solutions to the challenges inherent to the aerospace industry, namely the development of propulsion systems, airborne platforms and pressure vessels, as pointed out by the alumnus.

During three days, more than a thousand visitors attended the Jobshop. According to Rita Mendes, Técnico student and event team member, the number of participating companies in this year’s edition has increased, which allows the team to be “very proud of the positive impact of this event”.