Campus and Community

The World Bank Group presents career opportunities to Técnico students

The information session took place this Monday, attracting around 60 students from different courses.

The World Bank Group (WBG) hosted an information session for Técnico students this Monday, November 23, focused on early career opportunities through the newly integrated Young Professionals Program (WBG YPP), now representing the World Bank, IFC and MIGA. The session was organised by the Technology Transfer Office at Técnico (TT @ Técnico) and brought together about 60 students from different courses.

“The World Bank Group is one of the largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries, in various sectors such as education, agriculture, health, public administration, infrastructure, the private sector and many others,” said Iman Kedir, Communications & Outreach Specialist.

“With staff from over 170 countries and offices in over 100 locations, we all share a common goal of reducing extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity worldwide. The work is impactful, our work environment is truly multicultural, and career opportunities are global, vast,” she added.

Every year, the WBG recruits a cohort of Young Professionals (YPs) through its Young Professional Program (WBG YPP), which is designed for highly qualified and motivated individuals skilled in international development/finance. Iman Kedir explained the eligibility criteria, how the program works to develop future leaders of the WBG, as well as the application process. Successful candidates take part in a two-year leadership development program based in the World Bank Group’s Washington, DC headquarters, taking part in rotations around the world, in different field offices across the World Bank Group.

Applications for the Young Professional Program (WBG YPP)