Campus and Community

Two notable chemists awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by Universidade de Lisboa

The Honoris Causa ceremony took place on October 14th, at Instituto Superior Técnico, and was chaired by the Rector of Universidade de Lisboa, professor António Cruz Serra.

Professor Eugenio Coronado Miralles, Scientific Director of the Molecular Science Institute (University of Valencia) and professor Vadim Yurievich Kukushkin, President of the Department of Physical Organic Chemistry, Saint Petersburg State University, were awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa degree by Universidade de Lisboa.

The Honoris Causa ceremony took place on October 14th, at Instituto Superior Técnico, and was chaired by the Rector of Universidade de Lisboa, professor António Cruz Serra

Professor Manuel Leite de Almeida, coordinator of the solid state group at C2TN – IST, highlighted “Eugenio Miralles rich and varied career”. “He is one of the most highly cited researchers of his area, he has a multidisciplinary approach both on chemistry and physics and he has received three ERC grants”, he added.

In his acceptance speech, Eugenio Coronado Miralles, stressed the importance of his work with Universidade Lisboa for over 25 years.

According to professor Armando J. L. Pombeiro, co-coordinator of CCC research group at CQE-IST and professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering – IST, professor Yurievich Kukushkin is a prominent actor “of one of the most relevant and fruitful scientific cooperation ever established between a Portuguese and a foreign institution for more than a quarter of a century, which resulted in about 120 joint scientific publications in various fields of chemistry. The results of professor Vadim Kukushkin’s work have been recognised internationally. This collaboration has also produced high merit young scientists, namely at ULisboa and St. Petersburg State University.”