The closing session of Lab2Market@Tecnico took place this Tuesday, March 27. The three projects that participated in this first edition – LiderA2SMT (LiderA to Sustainable Management of Tourism in Urban Area), Biklio (Bike with Benefits) and ECities (Smart Cities to developing countries) – had the opportunity to present the results of their intensive work, held with the support of mentors, to a jury composed of 8 representatives of two companies that joined Tecnico in this event – Everis and i-deals.
LiderA2SMT is a “platform that aims to develop sustainable touristic destinations and it is based on an environmental, economic and social assessment of a destination”, said professor Manuel Pinheiro, leader of the multidisciplinary team. The several strategies, the target groups and the planned investment were some of the topics presented to the jury. At the end all teams got the same feedback: positive comments, constructive criticism and exchange of ideas.
Lab2Market@Tecnico is a programme under the responsibility of the Technology Transfer Office at Tecnico and, for first time, it took particular relevance and involved the participation of mentors, who for about 250 hours, helped students to develop innovative projects.