Science and Technology

Técnico researchers receive a financial support of around €250,000 to help fight COVID-19

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia will provide special support to 55 projects, of which 6 are developed at Instituto Superior Técnico.

Six projects led by Técnico researchers will be funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), under the 2nd edition of “RESEARCH 4 COVID-19”, the special support for rapid implementation projects for innovative response solutions to COVID-19 pandemic.

The results were announced this Monday, June 8. In total, 55 projects will be supported with a total investment of 2 million euros, of which about €250,000 – €235, 332 – will go to Técnico research centers.

FCT approved six projects “made in Técnico”, but only three received the maximum funding amount, €40,000: “Maré – Anonymous Mobilization of Return to normality to mitigate the covid-19 epidemic”, project led by professor Nuno Jardim Nunes (Institute of Interactive Technologies – ITI / LARSyS); “SARSChip- On-chip testing of SARS -CoV” led by the researcher Verónica Romão (INESC – Microsystems and Nanotechnologies – INESC-MN) and “LFA4Covid – Development of a Lateral Flow Assay working prototype for detection of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2”, led by Duarte  Miguel Prazeres (Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences – iBB).

The project “INTAKE – INtegrating mobility daTa into spAtial risK models“, led by professor Arlindo Oliveira (INESC-ID) will receive €37,524 of funding, and the project “SMOCK- Spatial Modelling for mapping COVID-19 risk” authored by professor Maria João Pereira (CERENA) will receive €38,000. The project “Esterilização de EPIs com radiação gama com vista à sua reutilização”, led by professor Ana Paula Serro (CQE) will receive €39,808.

The 55 funded projects focus on the following research areas: 15% for prevention; 15% to prepare for different phases of the pandemic; 7% for health studies and social vulnerabilities associated with confinement and deconfinement; 7% for epidemiological studies and infection transmission; 13% for early diagnosis methods; 2% for creating an algorithm for the early detection of infection; 11% for immune response, immunopathology and immunogenetic factors; 15% for new therapies and therapeutic approaches; 11% for clinical studies and monitoring of infected and risk groups; and 5% for medical devices and equipment.

In total, 495 projects were submitted in the 2nd edition of “RESEARCH 4 COVID-19”, of which 471 were evaluated by external experts.

Another project developed at Técnico is among the 66 projects approved in the 1st edition of “RESEARCH 4 COVID-19”.