Science and Technology

The Israeli Minister of Science and Technology visits Técnico

Ofir Akunis visited Técnico to learn more about its innovative projects and to meet faculty and researchers.

The Israeli Minister of Science and Technology, Ofir Akunis, visited Técnico this Tuesday, October 23. The president of Técnico, professor Arlindo Oliveira, and members of the governing board welcomed the Israeli Minister and his delegation.

Ofir Akunis visited the Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR-Lisboa) and learnt more about some of the research projects carried out in this research unit. Professor José Santos-Victor, president of ISR, guided the visit and showed the role of iCub and Vizzy robots, which captivated the attention of the Israeli delegation.

At the end, the Israeli Minister had the privilege of visiting the top of north tower, where he enjoyed a panoramic view of Lisbon.