Técnico becomes a partner of the New European Bauhaus initiative
This creative initiative has several partners and aims to find innovative solutions to complex societal problems through co-creation....
This creative initiative has several partners and aims to find innovative solutions to complex societal problems through co-creation....
The award recognises doctoral and master's theses of exceptional quality, carried out in Portuguese and Spanish universities....
The functional and constructive rehabilitation project, redesign of the furniture and painting restoration of the Church of Santa Isabel in Lisbon,...
NucleAR will organise the 12th “Projeto Relâmpago”, from 17th to 21st February 2020, on the topic “O Rio e a Cidade...
“Sustainable construction leadership and certification” is the topic of LiderA'20 Congress, to be held on 29th January, from 9:00 to 17:30,...
Margarida Quintã co-authored the winning proposal “As Fronteiras do México”. ...
The Técnico students Bárbara Fonseca, Carolina Claro, Francisco Gomes and João Aires Neves were the winners of the Lisbon Triennale Millennium...
Cincovezescinco is already in its 8th edition. This event is organised by NucleAR and aims to highlight the five best works...
IST Press published the book “Desenhos Didáticos de José Pedro Martins Barata no Instituto Superior Técnico”, by José Pedro Martins Barata....
The 7th edition of “cincovezescinco”, an exhibition organised by NucleAR, will be held from 15th to 16th October, at Técnico –...
The Alameda campus was part of the 7th edition of Open House Lisboa. ...
The e-book titled “Rethinking OÉ-Cusse – Timor Leste | Teaching and Investigation in Architecture”, by Miguel Amado, published by IST Press,...
Professor Ana Tostões was unanimously re-elected president of DOCOMOMO International for 2018-2022 during the 15th Docomomo Council Meeting, held on August...
Secil will launch a new edition of Secil Universities Awards with the support of Ordem dos Arquitetos (OA) and Ordem dos...
One day seminar, May 18, organised by CiTUA (Centre for innovation inTerritory, Urbanism and Architecture) in the scope of the Doctoral...
The award was created in 2012 and aims to distinguish people of recognised merit who have made outstanding contributions to the...
The 10th edition of the event “Projeto Relâmpago” will take place from 19th to 23rd February. “Projeto Relâmpago 2018” will run...
The presentation session of the books The Shape of The City and The Mediterranean Question, published by IST Press, will take...