Técnico hosts the fourth MasterTalk, the event dedicated to Master’s Programmes
Patrícia Figueiredo led the session on 14th December, which focused on the Department of Bioengineering....
Patrícia Figueiredo led the session on 14th December, which focused on the Department of Bioengineering....
14th December, at 5.15 p.m., at the Técnico Congress Centre, Alameda Campus ...
This year’s edition comprised a variety of different activities, brought together different speakers and addressed several topics, matching the interests of...
The Science and Technology Week will take place from 20th to 26th November. During this week scientific institutions, universities, schools and...
On November 20 will take place another session of IP Days@Técnico. Attendance is free but requires prior registration. ...
The conference was organised by AGRO Network and presented the several research advances in biotechnology....